Sunday, December 23, 2007


I can't go back - I can't go back

I cannot return to where there is lack

I cannot return to what was employed

For what exists now is a colorless void

For what exists now no longer sustains

It keeps me from growing into what my soul ordains

It keeps me from growing and finding my voice

So that I can speak up and be free with my choice

I must speak up so I might be heard

And follow my conscience lest my spirit be stirred

Following my conscience whether right or wrong

I must play these notes and write this song

I must play these notes - even if I'm off key

You may not care for my music, but it matters to me

You may not care for my music - but there are some that do

And as long as I have breath, treat it like it's brand new

And as long as I have breath, I'm gonna keep on givin'

Like Mr. Freeman said, "git busy dyin' or git busy livin' "

I can't go back - I can't go back

I cannot return to where there is lack

Where a chip turns into a crack

Where resentment would stack

Where my star would fade to black

I can't go back

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